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Our mission is to empower and support hard-working and deserving students from around the world to achieve their academic goals in the United States. We provide financial and legal assistance to help bring these students to the US and provide them with a supportive community. In addition to scholarships, we offer mentorship, resources and guidance to help our students overcome any challenges they may face, both physically and mentally, so they can thrive in their academic and personal lives. Our ultimate goal is to help shape the next generation of leaders, by providing a pathway to success through education


College Students


Students Mentally



Reported anxiety disorders*


Considered suicide*

*University of Michigan School of Public Health, "College Students' Anxiety, Depression Higher than Ever, but So Are Efforts to Receive Care,"

About Last Chance

The future of education hangs in the balance, and the Scholars Foundation is fighting to secure it. With your help, we can give deserving students the chance to pursue their dreams, no matter their background or financial situation. This is the moment that will define their lives and shape the future. Will you be a part of this legacy, or let this chance slip away? Your support can change a student's life forever. The clock is ticking, make your impact today before it's too late.

Upcoming Projects to Fund

"Donate to The Scholars Foundation and help change the lives of students in need. Your generosity will provide crucial financial support and resources to help students succeed."


Join us in our mission to empower students and communities through education. Your support, financial or otherwise, can make a difference in students' lives. Provide scholarships, legal assistance and support to those in need. Make your impact today and help shape a brighter future.

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